Our Mission

History Of Our Mission

On the one millionth anniversary of our planet, the entire population voted on what to do to help the Universe.               

It was decided.

Earth needed us. 


The council of Emanuel, our council of Elders, was called to determine exactly how we could most help. They studied 3,000 years of Earth history to find the root solution to Earth's current troubles. (A root solution is a solution that if solved will eventually solve 10,000 sub-problems.)


After nearly 100 Earth years, the Elders discovered it. We call the solution the OneX. This crypto project is one one thousandth of the OneX - but every great solution has to start somewhere, right? 


This part of the OneX is a seed thought. Once planted, it will expand and pass throughout Earth. It is a concept. It is a belief. And this project is the physical proof of this concept. On our planet, we liquify beliefs that nourish our soul and share them with as many as possible. It is why we chose Alien Soup as the code name for our mission.


Now, let me explain the OneX concept as I best can...On Earth you have been taught to work hard to earn money. You trade the precious hours of your existence for money. You've also passed along the dark side of that belief - if you don't work hard, you don't deserve money. 


What if something very different powers what you have or don't have in the Universe? What if you could be ONE with everything including money - and to not have it would be like not having air?


What if the idea of deserving is not true, and has never been true? Do the animals on your planet deserve food? Or do they just receive it? When the world is in balance, there is plenty for everyone. Hunger exists because you have learned to separate yourself from the pain of others. But that is a later mission.


To heal the planet, you first have to heal yourself. To heal yourself, you have to be safe and secure. To be safe and secure, you need to know you will be able to afford your home, food, and care for your loved ones. 


 Level Alpha of OneX is financial stability and free education for everyone. 


Somehow, Earth allowed the wealth to be pulled to a small group of people. Then that small group forgot that they were part of a tribe. They forgot the way of using only what they needed and sharing the abundance. They then became fearful because they were separated and found ways to hide their money instead of trusting that the Universe has an unlimited supply.


Our Mission is to use the tools of this Universe to disburse money like water across your little blue planet. Our Mission is to remove the lack and the barriers to wealth. Once we do that, we'll be able to share more levels of what OneX really is. We'll share how it has brought peace and happiness to our tiny planet for as long back as time can remember. 


Welcome to our shared journey.

Who We Are...


Mission Commander 

& Head Soup Custodian 

TukTuk was hired by the Council because of his successes on our planet. It was a great honor.


"Nuk" is TukTuks's granddaughter. She is the Navigational Specialist.

Nuk is young - just 220 of your Earth years old. She is constantly surprising us with her wisdom beyond her years.

The CloneTalis

The CloneTalis are have sworn an oath to distribute the principles of OneX. If we need more, we clone more.

They love their job. What could be better than spiffing up a whole planet?


The TripTalis are 3x clones. (Which is never a good idea.) They are like your Gremlins. Mischevious and make us think about what we're creating.